Caswell County Health Department
Caswell County Health Department

Environmental Health

The Environmental Health Program provides a broad range of services that protect and promote the health of Caswell County residents. Environmental Health performs inspections and permitting for restaurants, private septic systems and wells. Environmental Health Specialists also provide education and consultation to the public, investigate complaints, and provide management and leadership for special community projects that involve environmental issues.


Water Quality Program

Oversees construction, repair and abandonment of water supply wells and provides services to the public, well contractors, and pump installers. The program offers water sampling, well permits, site inspections, well repair consultation and well abandonment oversight.

On-Site Wastewater Program
Oversees the site evaluations, issues permits, and conducts inspections to insure proper placement, design, construction, repair, monitoring, and abandonment of on-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems.

Food and Lodging Program
Inspects, permits, provides technical support, monitors, does plan review and provides training for restaurants, food stands (including special events), meat markets, swimming pools, childcare facilities, swimming pools, lodging facilities, tattoo parlors and migrant facilities.

Childhood Lead Investigations
Conducts an investigation when an elevated blood lead level is found in a child 6 years or younger.


Contact Information

The Environmental Health Office is located at 215 County Park Road.

Call 336-694-9731 for records requests or information about services.


Matt Maness, REHS - Environmental Health Supervisor

Berkley Toufas, REHS - Environmental Health Specialist

Taylor Bradsher - Environmental Health Specialist Intern


Donnie Powell, REHS - Central Permitting Director


Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.



Applications Needed For Environmental Health Services:


General Services Application
General Services Application Revised.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [372.8 KB]
Application for Food Establishment Plan Review
EH Food Establishment Plan Review Applic[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]
Applicatoin for Well Permit
Well Permit Application Revised.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [337.1 KB]
Application for Improvement Permit or Authorization to Construct
Improvement Permit Application Revised.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [335.3 KB]
Requestion for Information
Information Request.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [169.0 KB]

Are you a new patient and want to complete new patient forms before your appointment?  Please bring your completed forms with you to your appointment.

Patient Intake Forms
Patient Intake Forms.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [569.6 KB]



Caswell County

Health Department
189 County Park Rd
PO Box 1238
Yanceyville, NC 27379

Personal Health

  Phone:   (336) 694-4129
  Fax:       (336) 694-7030



  Phone:   (336) 694-7141

  Fax:       (336) 694-7030


Environmental Health

  Phone:   (336) 694-9731
  Fax:       (336) 694-5547


Caswell County Public Health utilizes a call service for after hours calls.  Please call the main number (336-694-4129) and leave a message.  Your call will be returned by the appropriate staff member.


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© Caswell County Health Department